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Welcome to Beyond The Bump— The Intentional Movement  Program for Moms who are over being perfect.

Will you be one of the 20 moms ready to put herself first on her priority list and join this intimate group coaching program?

I get it, you love your babe more than anything in the world— but you also feel like you’ve somehow lost the woman you were pre-baby. Or maybe you feel like you know who you are but you’re too damn tired and overwhelmed to support yourself after a full day of parenting your kids, and maybe even your partner. 

I know, I know— your body is so amazing. It created a human life and birthed it from your body. But sometimes you feel as though the beautiful two-way conversation you had with your body is now happening over a 1980’s car phone with spotty service and a thick foreign accent. 

You sometimes feel like a fire for life that once burned bright inside of you is now just a smoldering ember- gasping for someone to get you some oxygen-stat. 

I know you don’t want another thing to do, another program telling you to wake up at 5am, keep a gratitude journal, schedule in a goddess hour, listen to endless podcasts, and meditate.

You want to learn how to work with the life you have now, build solutions to have less on your plate, and gain strategies to move with confidence and strength. You want a road map to help you walk through your life strong AF and solid in the knowledge of who you are as more than just someone’s mother.

Are you ready to join us?

You’ve tried the online programs before, pretty pdfs, easy to access apps, and videos so you can “just press play” but they feel, well, not quite YOU. 

Spoiler alert: It’s not you. 

You feel like you are in a separate universe from the tanned, young, trainer with 6-pack abs and the energy of your 3 year old running on a post-grammy’s visit sugar high. Meanwhile you’re wondering if a trip to the Starbucks drive-thru counts as an afternoon enrichment activity for your toddler. 

How can you find the energy to filter out all the noise in the pregnancy and postpartum fitness and wellness world when all you really want to do is binge watch Working Moms on Netflix?

You know the noise I’m talking about, the kind that says:

  • Beachbody! Join my Team!
  • Get the sweat app!
  • Try this belly wrap
  • CeleRy JuIcE
  • You’ve got to try this stroller class. 
  • Baby bootcamp is where it’s at
  • Just google some youtube videos
  • Take it slow, just listen to your body!
  • Save this Pinterest workout
  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Wake up before your kids!

And you’re all like….. 

Beyond the Bump is a four month, group coaching program for the OVERWHELMED LOST MOTHER who wants to find joy in motherhood through movement and community. 

You’ll learn how to cut through the postpartum fitness and wellness noise, giving you more time to focus on you and your life beyond your role as someone’s caregiver. 

You are unique, and so should be the way you move through fitness and wellness during motherhood. 

Can I tell you a secret?

You could have the most amazing strength and movement program in the entire world, you could pay for a gym membership worth a 5 year supply of diapers each month, and you can still feel as alone and overwhelmed as your partner standing in front of the baby food aisle at Target looking for the “good pouches”.  

Motivated, passionate, and driven moms have a hard time finding a fitness and wellness program that feels like home, not because they don’t know how to physically carry out the program, but because the programs out there have a disconnect in one or more of these areas:

  • Designed in a way to move with you as you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood.
  • Take into account both the physical and emotional healing that must take place after pregnancy and birth. 
  • Support on how motherhood and postpartum should be reflected in programming.
  • Lack of ability to troubleshoot pelvic floor and core pain and symptoms. 
  • Tackling self-care in a doable and meaningful way for a busy, tired, Mom.

As a coach and a mom of 2 (almost 3) with varying postpartum experiences, I know you don’t need the newest flashiest program out there, you need manageable strategies that are going to fit into your life and make you FEEL good. 

You need support and community. 

Not just any program, a program that is going to start working with the body and the time that you have right now.

Because I know you’re sick and tired of trying out all these programs, and all these shiny new things only to be left feeling inadequate, or left out, or frustrated when the program doesn’t get you. 

Why do mothers who want and need change so deeply in their souls have such a hard time making fitness and wellness programs work for them?

My client Jordan was one of those women. 

Jordan was a working mom of a new babe with a dog, and a husband, and a life to also take care of. While working a full time job she also started a yoga teacher training program to follow her passion for yoga practice. 

She wanted to be sure that she was taking her postpartum healing seriously and tackle some core and pelvic floor symptoms that she had been experiencing. 

Jordan is dedicated as hell. But some weeks she had work deadlines, or a sick dog, or a lapse in childcare. So we moved and pivoted with her program to find something that worked for HER, her family, and her life. Some weeks looked different than others, rather than letting that get her down she knew that she had the strategies and support to stick to her goals and adjust her programming depending on what life threw at her.

It’s maddening and heartbreaking seeing people feel like a complete failure for not sticking 100% to a program because life happens. Chapters of our lives are constantly evolving and moving and we need strategies and support to move along with those changes, not fight against them. 

That’s what Jordan felt, how could this programming, with even more on her plate than ever before, produce better results?

It wasn’t because she woke up an hour earlier every morning, or neglected her sweet little girl, or joined a beachbody team– it was because she learned the skills on how to prioritize herself, stop comparing herself to others, knowing exactly what her body needed and how to carry that out in her life. 

Beyond the Bump is built to help you build strategies and support around you, listen to what you body and mind are craving, and feel whole and strong in your postpartum body. 

Have you ever bought a course, or a program where you felt…. 

  • Left wanting more, but you can’t pinpoint what more is?
  • Disappointed you were roped into a monthly membership that was hard to get out of or require you to purchase more products or recruit team members?
  • Like you have to buy ANOTHER course, coach, program after this one because they only skimmed the surface of what you actually need?
  • Completely misunderstood or unseen by the trainer, coach, or community?

You don’t need another course, you need to know the exact way to include postpartum fitness and wellness into your current life with the body and time that you have right now– I teach women how to do that. 

Beyond the Bump is a four month, group coaching program for the OVERWHELMED LOST MOTHER who wants to find joy in motherhood through movement and community. 

In this intimate group coaching setting with 20 moms going through the same struggles and roadblocks that you are we will work on:

Healing your postpartum body from the inside out:

  • Learn how to heal your core and pelvic floor after pregnancy and birth.
  • Tackle pelvic pain and symptoms like incontinence, urgency, and pressure. 
  • Establish breath and pressure management strategies you can use for life when lifting and performing functional activities. 

Creating sustainable solutions for self-care as a caregiver:

  • Knowing when and how to ask for a referral
  • Setting up a support system and sense of community
  • Learning how to move and pivot with your changing responsibilities and motherhood demands. 

Building strength and confidence in movement:

  • Feeling strong and unafraid to try new movements
  • Experimenting with limits of pain and symptoms
  • Opening up your heart and body despite potential negative feedback.


Expectation management and building resilience:

  • how to find comfort in imperfection
  • developing self compassion
  • Identifying non-negotiables and controlling the controllables



Length: 4 months

How often: 1 live group coaching call each month (always recorded)

  • Each call is 60-75 minutes in length
  • 30-40 minutes of teaching an actionable lesson you’ll be able to take into your life that week. 
  • 30-45 minutes of Q&A 

Investment: $139/month for 4 months 



Kara is a calming and reassuring resource with a wealth of knowledge about pre and post natal health, wellness and fitness. Her thoughtful approach to education about anatomy and body mechanics relating to pregnancy has been invaluable as I prepare for labor and delivery. She provides exercises and suggestions tailored specifically to your needs, and answers all questions promptly and thoroughly. It is clear she is passionate about perinatal care and wellness, and her guidance has helped me feel strong and healthy throughout my pregnancy. Most importantly, she is incredibly encouraging and makes you think, “you got this!” “

Caitlin C.

I’m Kara. Your personal expert on all things perinatal fitness. I help women bridge the gap between motherhood and athleticism by guiding you through rehabilitative movement and corrective exercise strategies to continue doing what you love.

But most importantly, I’m a Momma of 2 amazing littles. The birth of my first child completely rocked my world. His premature delivery set me on a path to healing both physically and spiritually. I felt broken in so many ways. That path has led me here, a new woman far removed from that scared postpartum shell holding her NICU baby. I am on a mission to empower women with knowledge and confidence to help them better navigate their new role as a mother.

“What I loved about this workout is that I felt like my entire body was engaged during each exercise.”



” I am 7 weeks pregnant with my second child, although they are over 7 years apart. I am used to body building style lifting.  This workout was perfect for tuning in to the larger muscle groups and still getting a good full body workout without feeling like I had to be ‘over protective’ of my belly with the movements.”

I loved that I could take it at my own pace. I haven’t worked out in a while between fatigue and “morning” sickness, and if I’m being honest I wasn’t consistently working out a lot before I got pregnant.”